I immediately saw the discovered check which allows me to exchange my bishop for the black queen. My two options were Rd5+ and Rb7+. I couldn't find a difference between the two moves, so I thought both of them would be correct (Rd5+/Rb7+, Qxd7, Rxd7).
As you probably guessed by now, Rd5+ / Rb7+ is not correct. I totally missed Rf5+, Kd4, Rf4+ (winning the black queen, keeping the bishop).
I'll keep repeating it : When you see a good move, look for a better one... .
Way to go! From what King of the Spill said, Levels 4 and 5 are quite a bit harder!
I did through level 3 before starting my circles. It was a good foundation.
Indeed, level 4 is a lot harder (mainly because the problems are 3 move combinations instead of 2 move combinations).
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